A great submission! I liked the message and it was funny
A great submission! I liked the message and it was funny
I saw this on Vimeo already and I am completely in love with the story and the animation and visuals in general. If I can one day reach this standard of film making I will die a happy and fulfilled man!
Without a doubt one of the most inspiring and promising animations I have ever seen
WOW this was fantastic! It's great how you were able to tell the whole story without any dialogue, relying on the body language and gestures. I loved the FX animation especially and the character animation. The whole thing had a great look to it with some very unique colour choices.
I'm actually curious about how you used Flash, Photoshop and After Effects together. the characters look like they were made with a photoshop brush at times. Were you able to rough out the animation in Flash and paint over the frames in PS? I would be very interested in trying that but I don't know how it is possible
Well done indeed! 5 stars!
It was a bit of a makeshift process!
Yea I used flash to do the rough animation, and then exported them as png sequences and colored and cleaned them in photoshop. Afterwards I saved as another png sequence (all with transparency) and brought them into after affects for compositing and cool stuff.
Thank you!
one of the best animations I've ever seen
I liked the story and the ending. Nice one!
I like this one!
Fantastic storytelling. You should submit this to film festivals!
wonderful as always
Fantastic! I love your animations and I find them very inspiring
Animation producer/ director
Joined on 4/20/11