Hello, it's Update time!
I made a music video! It was a commissioned project by the Crosswinds. You should check it out!
In other news, I went to Pico day and then stayed over at the Newgrounds office for a week with @Catfat @Dudul @Almightyhans . I met so many cool people from the NG community! All in all it was a fantastic week. When I get more time, perhaps I will make a larger post about the whole experience. There is certainly lots to talk about.
While I was chilling at the NG HQ, I was struck with lots of ideas for animations! All of those creative tallents must have rubbed off on me. So now I am trying to develop them with any time I can spare.
A HUGE thank you to the man @TomFulp and the rest of the NG community for being so welcoming and generous! I love you all and I wish to return next year.
Me with Tom Fulp, Dudul and Catfat, about to dig into some Philly cheese-steaks
Recording a SleepyCast episode at the SleepyCabin with RicePirate, Catfat and Spazkid
Ahh so jealous!